The posters will be viewed during the coffee breaks. Poster presenters are requested to stand by the poster during this time to address questions.
Posters should be legible from a distance of 1-2 meters.
Poster presenters are kindly requested to print their poster.
The recommended size of a poster should be 84 cm wide and up to 160 cm high (Portrait) :

- Authors are responsible for mounting their posters at the start of the symposium and removing them at the end, as soon as the last lectures are over.
- Poster presenters should refer to the final program (at the symposium) and note their poster board number. Please use the poster board that bears the number of your presentation as listed in the program.
- Putting up and removing the poster is the responsibility of the presenter only.
Important note!
Only abstracts of presenting authors who are registered for the symposium will be included in the final program.
Optional Service: To send your poster for print prior to the symposium please follow the below steps:
1. Prepare your poster in high quality: 300 DPI
2. Size should be: 84 width and up to 160 height (portrait)
3. Poster should be sent to the email below as a PDF file (your file should be sent and saved with submission ID number and presenting author’s name).
4. Once ready your poster should be sent to:
5. Once poster is received to the above email you will receive a link for payment of: 120 NIS + VAT
6. Deadline for sending your poster is Tuesday, August 22.
For your pre-printed poster collection, turn left after name badge control at the ICC entrance (follow the signage).
Collection hours:
• Tuesday, 29 August | 09:30-14:00
• Wednesday, 30 August | 08:00-12:00
• Thursday, 31 August | 08:00-11:00